Declaration of Respect for Human Rights

Updated in August 2024

The purpose of this statement is to reinforce the MoOngy Portugal Group's and Bee Engineering’s commitment to respecting internationally recognized human rights in the development of its relations with employees,customers and suppliers, seeking to avoid or mitigate direct or indirect adverse impacts on its activity.

This declaration is in line with the values and principles of action enshrined in the code of conduct of Bee Engineering, particularly those relating to compliance with legal, regulatory and conduct obligations,contributing to sustainable development and non-discrimination, tolerance and equal treatment.

Bee Engineering undertakes to carry out its activity in compliance with the rules and in accordance with ethical standards and professional conduct, including:

- International Bill of Human Rights (adopted by the UN);

- UN Fundamental Principles on Economics and Human Rights;

- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child;

- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Women;

- Core Labor Standards of the International Labor Organization;

- The 10 principles of the UN Global Compact;

Making the following commitments:

  • To act in accordance with the laws and regulations of the region in which it operates;
  • Guaranteeing fair working conditions, with wages based on the principle of fair remuneration for work and guaranteeing the right to rest and free time;
  • Provide equal opportunities for access to work and professional advancement, without discrimination based on sex, race, religion, origin, marital status or social condition;
  • Respecting, promoting and ensuring decent working conditions and not tolerating acts of psychological violence and moral coercion;
  • Ensure health and safety in the workplace;
  • Not employing child or forced labor or agreeing to such practices on the part of third parties with whom it establishes relations;
  • Protect personal data;
  • Provide regular information and training on human rights and labor practices to its employees, partners and value chain - suppliers and customers.